Thursday, October 10, 2013

Alternatives To Liposuction

In today's society, everyone is struggling to be perfect. The perfect smile, the perfect skin, and the perfect body. Liposuction is a medical procedure that can sculpt the body into a more aesthetic shape. However, it is an extremely expensive procedure and can have a number of side effects.

 There are alternatives to liposuction for those who cannot afford liposuction or are hesitant to go under anesthesia. One such alternative to liposuction that all doctors recommend is diet and exercise. Doctors stress the importance of diet and exercise as it gives the body's metabolism a natural boost. Another alternative to liposuction is called Mesotherapy. There is no surgery involved.

The procedure includes injecting a series of medications including anti-inflammatory medication, hormones, nutrients and antibiotics into the fat layers. This type of treatment only works with the proper diet.

 It is important to remember that there are no food supplements or drugs for Mesotherapy that are approved by the FDA. If you do not want to wait for the results of diet and exercise, then there are herbal remedies that are considered to be an alternative to liposuction. Seaweed wraps and other alternatives advertise that they are as effective as the surgery itself.

 Having the liposuction surgery as many advantages. With liposuction alternatives, you cannot target just one area. With liposuction surgery you can target just one area to sculpt. There are some areas of the body that diet and exercise cannot reduce. With liposuction all areas of the body can be treated. Liposuction is considered an outpatient surgery with a very fast recovery rate. With liposuction surgery, there is almost no blood loss and the scars are virtually unseen.

 As with any type of surgery, there will be some pain with liposuction. Although it will be minimal, there will also be bruising in the area that is treated. Swelling also occurs with liposuction. Doctors recommend that the affected area be wrapped tightly until the swelling dissipates.

When you choose to use liposuction alternatives, there are usually none of these side effects because it is not an invasive surgery. The costs of liposuction and its alternatives are usually not covered by insurance. The costs of both methods can be high and payment is due at the time the services are rendered. A standard liposuction treatment starts at around $3,500 dollars.

Depending on how many areas you want the treated, it can cost up to $15,000 dollars. Many cosmetic surgeons take this into consideration and will set up payment plans as long as you pay half in advance. Everything that is required for the procedure is included in this amount, so there are no hidden costs. If a hospital stay is required, only those charges will be added. Liposuction was developed in the 1970's and has evolved into a million-dollar industry.

 It was made popular in the late 1980's when many celebrities had the procedure done with good results. Doctor's caution that liposuction and its alternatives should not be used as a weight loss tool. Although the fat that is removed cannot be reproduced, more fat can develop if a proper diet and exercise routine is not established.
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